Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's been a while...

Ok, so I haven't posted anything in a while. What can I say, I've been busy. Do you even check here regularly anyway? So, what have I been doing, you might ask. Well, aren't you nosy? Ok, ok, if you really want to know, I've been working on a few projects. I recently finished up a cartoon series pitch with a friend of mine, and sent it in to be reviewed by a network (Sorry, I won't be posting any of that stuff until it's bee turned down by as many networks as possible).
I also designed the look for, drew and inked 5 pages for my friend Zack Kruse's upcoming webcomic, Mystery: Solved! (I'll post a link to the site once the coloured and lettered version is done and up). In the meantime, here's the black and white, ink on bristol, dialogueless stuff I did. Enjoy, if it even makes sense without the words...

Oh, I also received the mock up of my cover, complete with indicia, for the upcoming anthology PKD Media Presents. It should be available at finer retailers later this year...


3awashi thani said...

i check here everyday!
ok maybe just once or twice a week...
that comic looks great, can't wait to read it when it has be read.
good luck with your pitch!

John Young said...

cool comic jim.

Big Jim Miller said...

Thanks for the kind words, guys. I appreciate the feedback!

Sabrina A. said...

Even though I've seen these in person...they are still wiiiicked :)

Unknown said...

ya, they are OK

Pachi Pachi to Me said...

these are awesomeeeeeee~!!!! reallly cool jimmmu!!

Steve LeCouilliard said...

Awesome stuff Jim! I'll be getting one of those at Emerald City.

Tyler and Jenn said...

The title font looks familiar... where'd you get that??

JaviLaparra said...

Hello Jim, i had the honor to color over your inks and line fo Mystery Solved, and let me tell ya that your line ROCKS!!! and i hope my color work match the level of your lines, awesome work sr!