Saturday, June 25, 2011


A G. said...
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Marrock said...

No no no... it's "Confound these ponies!"

Brubaker said...

These are great. I love the Rarity and Spike picture.

Looking forward to season 2.

Marf said...

I'm glad you did push past your hesitations. It's you and your team that help make the show the masterpiece that it is.

When I started seeing MLP pictures popping up on the internet, I was very hesitant to watch it. Curiosity finally got the better of me. The 2-part pilot didn't quite convince me, but the 3rd episode (The Ticket Master) did. Can't wait for season 2.

24 years old and proud to be a Brony.

Big Jim Miller said...

Thanks for the kind words, guys. I am well aware of the 'brony' movement, and while I may not completely understand it, I am very appreciative of the fact that people of all ages are entertained by a show I had something to do with. Hopefully everyone still enjoys the show once season 2 hits! said...

I'm sure everypony will love season 2 just as much, if not more than season 1! Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm a big fan of your work. I'm a senior in high school and aspiring to be a storyboard artist myself. Do you have any advice you could offer? I'd really appreciate it! I'm looking to attend Calarts, NYU, or SCAD.

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