Monday, September 20, 2010


A design of Mike Norton and Chris Crank! from the podcast 'Crankcast' as Oscar and Bruno the trash man from Sesame Street. Why I had this image pop in my head, I do not know. As you can also tell, colouring is not my forte. If you're interested in listening to Mike and Crank, you can check out their show here or subscribe via iTunes. Something tells me they won't be too thrilled if I direct more listeners their way, but what the hell...

Drawn and coloured digitally on a Cintiq using Sketchbook Pro.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

T-Shirt Design!

A new design for a t-shirt to be sold by the CGS guys. Coming soon!
Drawn and inked (and hand lettered. Ugh.) digitally on a cintiq.